
Thanksgiving is…



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Main Contact:
Team members:
Timeline: Link for work days (Drop Down w/dates):
November 23 Set up
November 28 Thanksgiving Day Workshop
November 30 Tear Down
Advent date December
Mandatory Items on altar: 2 large Thanksgiving candles, 2 brass followers, 2 large wood disks
Budget (Average Range)
3 supplies totes: 3 totes labeled “MAFA” in the closet north of the choir contain: Florist wire, scrap 2×4, duct tape, scissors, microfiber cloths, needle nose pliers, wheat, small feathered birds, and surplus burlap. You must bring vacuum, broom and dustpan.
No silk/plastic flowers, no balloons.
Inform Altar Guild of décor schedule.
Allow space on the altar table for the bible stand and other necessities.
Test the Thanksgiving candles to ensure they can be lit easily. Remember to extinguish!
After Thanksgiving: Altar Guild formulated this plan for replacement of the candelabra: Using the coaster on the altar, measure 2 coaster lengths from the short edge of the altar and place each candelabrum directly in the center. There are 3 candleholders on each candelabrum. The shortest branch with a candle is placed toward the center of the altar table, facing the congregation. The “willow” branches (no candles) face the choir.
The altar and surrounding area must be left in immaculate condition after décor day install, and removal of items after Thanksgiving.